Vehicle Maintenance
Our Vehicles are put through a lot out here in Zambia! Lots of the terrain here can be hard on tires and we travel long miles to some of these villages. Our vehicles are a necessary part of our ministry and without them we would not be as useful to the Lord.
How You Can Help
Our biggest needs for vehicle maintenance are tires and other routine maintenance, although we would also like to be prepared if we needed to repair one of our vehicles .
- New tires for our truck cost $1500
- Any amount for other maintenance and repair funds would be greatly appreciated!
Vehicles are mainly used for, but not limited to the following:
i. Well Repairii. Expeditions
iii. Children Camps
iv. Conferences
v. Student Visitation
vi. Executive Meetings
vii. Monitoring & Evaluation
Our first vehicle, the Hilux travels approximately 161,059 miles per year.
Our second vehicle , our truck travels approximately 30,223 miles yearly.
In total OMC travels just under 200,000 miles every year! -
The longest trek we have taken has been going to and from Livingstone to Mukushi. The trip was 776.8 km and 11 hrs. : 43min in total!
In this trip we monitored and Evaluated OMC impact in the Northern Zambia as well as drove 420 km to repair at Nkandela School in Chief Monze area.