Mission School Well
While our Mission School is a vital part of our ministry, we still have not been able to source well water for ourselves! Until now we have been getting drinking water from the city which is much more costly, and shuts off frequently. Having a well in house will create a more stable environment for our students and make us more efficient as a ministry!
How You Can Help
We want to have our own well put in, because it would save hundreds a year. Money that could easily go to other parts of our ministry that will truly make impact! We see this as a necessary investment to continue to expand our reach as ambassadors of Christ.
The cost for a new well is $5500. A cost that we will easily see save us money within 5 years. Thank you for any donations you give!
Yes, you heard us correctly. City water here is not very reliable, we have experienced outages quite frequently and often at not very good times. We are excited to have this season of lack behind us as God opens the door for our very own well!
We currently spend $145/month on public water, that comes out to $1,740
If we get this well put in, in 3.2 years we will have made out investment back in savings! -
As a ministry, we have prioritized repairing the wells of others over getting our own. As the years have gone on, we have seen that it would be a great investment, and help us focus our finances more solely on others!