Mission School

Our Mission School is one of our biggest areas of ministry. We don’t want to just focus on the short run but the long run too! Equipping our students with gospel saving doctrine, and a foundation to help others will help generations to come!

How You Can Help

OMC provides housing, food, and amenities during their stay at the school, plus the cost of administering the curriculum. In total, each student attending costs $475.

Many people have a heart for the Lord and want to participate, but cannot afford the costs. Your financial aid could help people serve God to the fullest!


  • Students are taught a 5 pillar curriculum, ensuring that they have correct doctrine that will transform the lives of those they encounter! You can see the curriculum here

  • OMC's mission school is broken into Five 3-week sessions with 1 week breaks between each session. This ensures students are able to process information properly, and tend to their families!

  • Sponsorship will include a full profile and picture of your student. We will provide you with an update following graduation as they launch into their ministry!