Children’s Ministry Celebration

At the end of the year, we rotate celebrations for the children per ministry zone. During this celebration the children receive a lesson, play games, and receive a very good meal. Since we minister to an estimated 15,000 children per week, our finances only allow us to include 3,000 - 5,000.

In August 2024 we implemented a new children’s curriculum and have started a 2-day gathering at various locations. We have held two gatherings to date with 347 and 397 in attendance; there are plans for 2 additional gatherings this calendar year. The goal next year is to have 2 gatherings/month. During the 2-day revival we spend time training our teachers, playing games with the children, hosting an evangelistic meeting for children, and providing them with a meal.

It’s a wonderful feeling to treat these children as they faithfully come to learn and play with OMC. In order to make a good time for our kids there is some cost involved. The more resources we can gather, the more kids we can have attend.

- For our Annual celebration the cost is $1/child. Each dollar you contribute allows another child to celebrate with their friends/peers!
- Our two day gatherings cost $2.26/child. This is a great way for kids to spend longer amounts of time having a blast and learning about God!

How You Can Help


  • coming soon

  • Great question! Each of our graduates are equipped with the same curriculum to ensure children are taught proper doctrine

    you can check out what they're learning here

  • Our annual celebrations have been happening since 2018. They usually occur in December for a Christmas celebration!

    Our two-day celebrations started in August 2024, we hope to have 2/month Lord willing.